How to play a multi-player game of Chess with ChessWorks:
ChessWorks allows you to play a multi-player game of Chess with someone over the internet. All you have to do is connect to each other via the connect button. After you press the connect button you will be presented with a dialog box that gives you the choice to either 'Host' or 'Connect'. Somebody must choose 'Host' and the other person must then connect to the host's IP address (Note - if you choose 'Host' your IP will be displayed in the address field). Both players must be on the same port when connecting. When the connection is established a chat window will pop up where you can chat to each other.
What is this 'Page' thing in the Chat window?
The 'Page' button will "page" the other player or send them a wake up call. Pressing the button activates a sound on the other players computer. You are limited to 1 page every 5 seconds.
Saving Server/Player Info:
To save server/player info (name,port,address) just choose 'Save Info...' from the popup menu in the connection window. Then save it to a folder called 'Servers' that is in the same folder as the ChessWorks application. Now you can choose your saved information from the popup menu to restore your settings.
Creating Custom Board and Piece Sets:
ChessWorks allows for custom board and pieces sets to be used. To create a new board make an 8x8 grid of boxes each 32x32 pixels. When making a piece set imagine an 8x2 grid of 32x32 boxes. All white is transparent in the pieces.. Then place your pieces inside of those boxes in the following order. The top row is the bottom set (white) and the bottom row is the top set of pieces (black). The pieces must be in this order: Pawns, Rook, Knight, Bishop, Queen, and King.
Using Custom Board and Piece Sets:
To use custom board and piece sets create a folder called 'Graphics' in the same folder as the ChessWorks application. Then inside that folder are two folders named 'Boards' and 'Pieces'. Drop your sets in their designated folders and in the ChessWorks application go into 'Options' and select the board and piece sets that you would like to use.
Known bugs or limitations:
• ChessWorks currently does not calculate CheckMates. You will not be able to make any further moves but it will not express a CheckMate. This feature might be added in future versions.
Bug reports, comments, and suggestions:
Please send them all to:
ChessWorks is freeware! If you want to include it on a CD that you are publishing please contact me for permission first at:
"American" piece set, (c) Richard A. Fowell, used by permission.